Dermatology appointments made for youth are not nearly as common as they are amongst adults or older generations. There are various concerns and reasons as to why you should seek a dermatologist (as opposed to scheduling an appointment with your pediatrician). Below, we’ve outlined a few, which stretch beyond the common concern for teenage acne and puberty-related breakouts.
- Your Child Has Moles or Warts in Large Quantities or Abnormally-Formed Lesions.
Children’s skin changes rapidly through their youth, and moles may develop on the skin over time that they were not born with.
Even if such moles cause no irritation or are not a cosmetic concern for your child, the physicians at Galt Dermatology, Fort Lauderdale, advise safety as best practice. Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to have the mole examined and to rule out any possibility of the mole being cancerous or becoming infected.
- Acne, Rashes, or Bumps Consistently Reappear in the Same Area(s).
Sometimes, pediatricians will examine the skin and prescribe a medication or medicated ointment to treat the area of concern.
Quite often, those same patients visit our office several weeks later as the treatment had not worked or would only work when used several times throughout the day (much like a band-aid on an open wound). Board-Certified Dermatologists are trained to assess and diagnose a wide variety of skin issues, ailments, disorders, and concerns to accurately target the issue’s root cause.
For example, some children may develop food intolerances at random throughout their youth. If this is the cause for a mild-severe flare-up, medicated creams will only prevail to temporarily mask your child’s symptoms.
- Acne Outbreaks
Pre-teen and teenage youth are at the highest risk of developing pubescent acne and cystic acne. During this time of their life, physical appearance is something most teenagers are concerned with, and a complexion with painful, red bumps is incredibly detrimental to their self-esteem. Today, there are thousands of good skincare products on the market, most of them targeting this age-range specifically. Galt Dermatology suggests saving both yourself and your child valuable time, money, and potential harm by scheduling a consultation with a board-certified dermatologist.
If not treated properly with direct care, these acne breakouts may lead to cosmetic issues such as dark spots, deep-pitted scarring, and uneven skin tone which have the potential to last a lifetime.
- Unusual Rashes
As their immune system strengthens and develops, children are more prone to the development of rashes. Rashes may even appear as the result of your child starting a new medication. If a rash worsens, does not heal or go away, or causes excessive irritation on the skin, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for complete care and your best treatment options.
Many children experience eczema in early childhood. Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that has a high potential to carry-over into adulthood. While there is currently no cure for eczema, your dermatologist can prescribe topical or oral treatments to help lower inflammation and manage symptoms of eczema flare-ups.
Caring for your child’s skin goes beyond your dermatology appointments. Use gentle, fragrance-free soaps throughout your household, and always take caution to apply sunscreen to their skin every day. Practicing good habits amongst other family members and caretakers is one of the best ways to ensure your child develops healthy skin habits of their own as they grow older.
If your child has relatively healthy skin, it’s recommended to wait until their adolescent years to visit a dermatologist. This is also a fantastic time for them to discuss proper skin care and skin treatments with a board-certified dermatologist that is custom-tailored for their unique skin and can carry them through years and decades to come.